How can a School become a partner
Its a simple step. Schools can register online on our School PreRegister page or drop us a line at schoolprogram@twinningowl.com. Our team will speak to you and update you on the ongoing and upcoming activities for your school students.
All schools in India, across any board, across grades are eligible to become a school partner.
Is there any registration cost to become a partner school
No. To become a partner school, we do not charge any fees from school.
Is there any registration fee for students to participate
There are various programs that a student can register into. Some are paid programs, where a registration fee is charged. Some are free activities, where student does not pays any fee.
What are the benefits for student
Rewards & Accolades vary from program to program. Students get participation certificates or DIY kits or Prizes or visits to labs, etc. However it is not mandatory and is program specific.
How does student enrols and participates
Students can enrol only with Parent Consent. Twinning Owl follows a strict policy of consent driven participation. All programs are shared with School Principals & Academic Coordinators. Post thier approval, Twinning Owl programs are shared with parent. They can view the program details, consent and parent can enrol their child into the program
What are the types of programs
All programs are around subjects, life skill, cognitive skill, developing competence, on CSR initiatives and around various topics of NEP 2020. Twinning Owl brings Fun Learning & Educative programs to schools.
Can a school or a student pre register for a program
Schools can Pre Register with Twinning Owl for student, teacher or parent programs. Twinning Owl team keeps the school informed on all upcoming programs at regular intervals
Students can Pre Register with Twinning Owl. Whenever a program is initiated, our team will inform the school and parent about it.
I have more queries
You can reach out to our team and write to us on
For schools : schoolprogram@twinningowl.com
For Parent/Brands : ringring@twinningowl.com