Thoughts & Appreciation From Principals

Dr. Vineeta Kamran
Principal - CMS, Kanpur Rod, Lucknow
The need of the hour is progressive education that makes the students creative and innovative. The new NEP-2020 stresses the importance of critical thinking and reasoning. Education must lead to constructive changes and it needs to keep pace with the requirements of the modern times. Good thinkers and decision makers can propel our world ahead and help in finding solutions to various problems. So, I think critical reasoning must be one of the pillars of the modern education. Students can develop a global perspective and vision and think critically and in an unprejudiced manner for the welfare of the humanity
I wholeheartedly appreciate this initiative and hope that it will achieve its desired objective.

Mr. Joseph David
Principal - Edify School, Kurnool
Critical thinking is a concept that is being highlighted for over almost a decade and as we move with time, its need and importance is becoming more evident than ever before. Critical thinking is nothing but the ability to not merely judge by giving a reason. Its time that schools made a paradigm shift and implement critical thinking as an integral part of their curriculum.
We would like to congratulate HCL Jigsaw 3.0 on providing the students a platform to exhibit their creative thinking skills. The students were very excited while doing their assessments and I must say that it was a great experience for the students and I sincerely hope that the search for India’s top problem solvers is done.
Kudos to all those who participated and to those who won.

Ms A N Suryavathy
Principal - Harvest International School, Kodathi, Bangalore
The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” - Albert Einstein
Critical thinking and Problem Solving are essential 21st century skills which are critically important for students for their success in this contemporary world. Educators these days make sure students are given opportunities where they analyze, evaluate, interpret & synthesize an information or a problem and thereby apply a creative thought to arrive at a solution.
HCL Jigsaw 3.0 was on such good initiative which has given an opportunity for our students to channel their 21st century skills such critical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving and communication. Thanks to HCL Jigsaw 2021.
Wishing that they impact many more students though their mission.

Ms Supriti Chauhan
Principal - Delhi Public School, GBN, Noida
I must extend my appreciation for the HCL JIGSAW 3.0 Program in which the students of DPS, GBN participated most enthusiastically. The orientation of the Program nurtured and strengthened the Critical Thinking of students, which is the essence of 21st Century Learning.
A lot has been said about the need for students to know ‘how to think’ rather than ‘what to think’; though we are ensuring to include elements in our everyday teaching, which will give our students the ability to think clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas.
I have observed that HCL Jigsaw 3.0 is one of the best platforms where the learners realise the full potential of the 21st Century Skill- Critical thinking. The participants had an enriching and challenging experience during round 1 and I am certain they will ace the upcoming rounds as well.

Mrs A Dass
Prinicipal - La Martiniere Girls College, Lucknow
You have a brain and mind of your own. Use it, and reach your own decisions."—Napoleon Hill
One of the biggest hallmarks of critical thinking is the capacity for independent thought. It's easy to believe or agree without consideration. Nevertheless, when we choose to think independently, we exercise a right we have as humans, and a responsibility we have as global citizens.
The world is constantly changing. Jobs and skills that are in demand now may be obsolete within the next few years. Having critical thinking skills allows you to think quickly on your feet, assess problems and find the best solutions - particularly when you don’t know the answer right away. Not surprising, critical thinking abilities are also among the most sought-after skills in almost every industry and workplace.
As educators, it’s important to ensure students today develop critical thinking skills for future success.
I believe that HCL Jigsaw 3.0 is a great way to initiate and promote critical thinking among young minds and wish all participants all the best.

Ms Sushma Soni
Principal - Shri Ram Global School, Lucknow
As a principal of this prestigious institution, Shri Ram Global School, Lucknow, I would like to humbly extend my whole souled gratitude to you and your team for curating this admirable opportunity for our cherished students to build on the much coveted 21st century skills through the HCL Jigsaw 3.0 - India’s Premier Critical Reasoning Competition.
I am indeed immensely glad to mention about the positive participation of our school with utmost zeal and fervour, equally being proud of their praiseworthy performance. I am exceedingly grateful to you all for this enterprising drive as critical skills development, being an indispensable element of the much intricate Executive functioning skills are the inevitable need of the hour, preparing our students for life, armoured with requisite skills to thrive out in the world, on a global platform.
, I am enormously thankful to the team for opening the portals of progress for our students in this ever progressive world. We look forward to many more such experiences of learning and growing under your professed, proficient stewardship.

Ms Shalini Malhotra
Vidya Devi Jindal School, Hisar, Haryana
HCL Jigsaw 3.0 is India’s Premier Critical Reasoning Competition that aims to identify and award India’s Young Problem Solvers by assessing them on the parameter of information gathering, problem statement, critical analysis, scientific temper, and decision-making ability.
Students said skills got assessed through creatively designed worksheets based on the current situations, such as electrical vehicles, wherein they were supposed to state the infrastructure, policy, promotions strategies, advantages, and disadvantages. The worksheets were grade-wise and designed to promote collaboration and teamwork. Like, Grade VI students were assigned to promote tourist destinations.
HCL Jigsaw 3.0 was an enriching experience for the students and the teacher guide.

Ms Sharon Pereira
Convent Of Jesus & Mary International School, Kharghar
Critical reasoning is a core academic skill that teaches our students to reflect on their own knowledge and information presented to them. This skill is essential for students working on assignments and performing research. CJM students expressed their interest to participate in HCL Jigsaw 3.0 as they found the concept quite unique. It is a great platform to develop 21st century skills among students. All the three rounds were engaging and interesting. The best part of this program is that each student gets a detailed skilled assessment report, national ranking and e-certificate of participation. Thank you HCL Jigsaw team for your hard work, support and working towards enlightening young minds

Dr. Anupkiran Kaur
Principal - Shivalik School, Mohali
Critical reasoning is the analysis of available facts, evidence, observations, and arguments to form a judgement. It helps people better understand themselves, their motivations and goals. When you can deduce information to find the most important parts and apply those to your life, you can change your situation and promote personal growth and overall happiness
​I want to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude for your advance planning, which made the HCL JIGSAW 3.0 such a success. I also deeply appreciate every member of HCL JIGSAW 3.0 for showing relentless effort for this project. I look forward to seeing your future achievements and successes. Once again, congratulations on a job well done!

Ms Anupa Sreedhar
Principal - Achiever's Academy, Bangalore
Learning in today’s times no longer consists of memorization and rote learning of facts and data. In the context of modern-day education, it is more important that a student knows How to learn than what to learn. Data and information are now available at the click of a button but it is more important that the student develops creative and critical thinking skills. Building analytical skills will sharpen their mind and mettle.
This is the edge that will help a student stand out in the crowd and go ahead with confidence. In order to develop these skills, it becomes imperative that students are exposed to real life challenges and provided with stimulating and rich learning experiences

Dr Kavita Nagrajan
Principal - School Of Scholars' Wanadongri
Present-day individuals are faced with an infinite flow of information coming from various sources, such as TV advertisements, political claims of presidential candidates, or news articles on websites. Not all of these messages are true and logical, so people have to treat information critically to avoid being deceived.
Therefore, critical thinking skills and the ability to apply logic to assess information and make decisions are crucial for people nowadays.
Critical thinking is not just thinking since it involves analyzing information and identifying logical links between ideas
SOS Wanadongri has participated in this competition for the first time and has experienced the vibes of logic in the students and quest for knowledge. We appreciate the sincere efforts taken by the organizers and looking forward to same responses in the future.
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