The India Quiz - My India, My Pride
Upcoming Soon - Edition 3.0

The India Quiz – My India, My Pride, is designed as an Online General Knowledge Quiz at a National Level
It aims to ignite curiosity in the young learners, and nudges them to explore the glorious and magnificent wisdom, knowledge, cultural heritage, and traditions, of our country and to feel proud.
From the times of our old dynasties to later kingdoms, the freedom movement to modern India, there is a story in every aspect of our country- India, Its People, Its Culture, Its contribution to its people and to the world.

About Upcoming Edition 3.0
The India Quiz - My India My Pride 3.0 will celebrate the diversity of Festivals, Folk Fairs, Paintings, Literature, Art Forms, Music, Dance Forms, Architecture Marvels and a lot more colorful and vibrant part of our culture and tradition.
We will travel through time and learn the richness of Indian heritage and culture.
Stay Tuned !! Registrations will begin soon

Update On The India Quiz - My India, My Pride - Edition 2.0
We extend our gratitude to schools, principals, teachers, parents and our young learners for the tremendous particpation and encouragement.
In edition 2.0, we had parents particpation in grade 3rd to 5th category and e feedback has been positively encouraging. We shall continue this practice in our upcoming editions as well.
To know more details you can visit The India Quiz Updates

Watch This Space To Learn More About Edition 3.0

Grade 3rd to 5th
General knowledge and current affairs, history, geography, famous personalities, art, literature, innovation, culture, UNESCO & RAMSAR sites, etc
Grade 6th to 9th
Explore Indian history, cities, kings & dynasties, culture, art, literature, personalities, etc of ancient and medieval India
Grade 10th to 12th
General knowledge and current affairs and Indian history
How To Prepare
The India Quiz - My India, My Pride is a National Level Quiz. The scope is focused on India only. School books, reference books, and general knowledge books, across all boards of CBSE, IB, Cambridge, ICSE, IGSCE, State Level, and NIOS.
Twinning Owl Learning Platform Pvt Ltd
W : twinningowl.com
E : theindiaquiz@twinningowl.com
M : 9818322204
The program, program content, curriculum, images, calendar, qualification result, and all aspects of the India Quiz are owned and governed by the terms and conditions of Twinning Owl. Twinning Owl is an authorized School Service Partner and works with reputed companies in India and provides access and services to schools, students to brand programs. Unauthorized usage of content, images, logos, etc, and circulating over social, print or any media is prohibited without authorization. Any unauthorized usage can attract strict actions.